Dr. Boon specializes in the treatment of prostate cancer including robotic prostatectomy using the da Vinci Surgical System. Multiple members of Dr. Boon's family have been affected by prostate cancer. Below is information about prostate cancer and its treatment.
Information about prostate cancer:
More U.S. men choose da Vinci Surgery than any other treatment for prostate cancer, and more and more men worldwide facing prostate cancer are choosing da Vinci Surgery.
Thanks to breakthrough surgical technology, doctors can offer a minimally invasive treatment for prostate cancer - da Vinci Prostatectomy.
Why da Vinci? Imagine major surgery performed through the smallest of incisions.
Studies show that, compared to open surgery, experienced da Vinci surgeons achieve better cancer control - lower positive margin rates. Positive margin rates are a measure of cancer cells left behind – lower is better.
Studies show patients who are potent prior to surgery experience a faster return of erectile function than patients who have open surgery.
Recent studies show more patients have full return of urinary continence within 6 months as compared to patients having open surgery
The da Vinci Surgical System is a state-of-the-art surgical platform with 3D, high-definition vision, and miniaturized, wristed surgical instruments designed to help doctors take surgery beyond the limits of the human hand. Though it is often called a “robot,” da Vinci cannot act on its own - surgery is performed entirely by your doctor from start to finish. By overcoming the limitations of traditional open and laparoscopic surgery, da Vinci is changing the experience of surgery for people around the world.